Welcome to One of South Africa’s Premier Mountain Biking Destinations
The Glacier Waterberg Traverse is a three-day mountain bike stage race that takes place in the spectacular bushveld of the Waterberg. Summerplace Game Reserve, in Limpopo, hosts the event and is only 2.5 hours from Johannesburg.
Summerplace Game Reserve offers a healthy slice of rural bliss where you can enjoy renowned mtb trails with breathtaking views and even the possibility of game encounters in store.
To encounter this natural beauty a mere 25 minutes from Vaalwater, Limpopo is only part of the reason that this event will become a favourite for local adventure-seekers. Another major draw card is the non-competitive atmosphere of the race – one that encourages riders to slow down and spend quality with loved ones.

Enter the #WaterbergTraverse through the app to qualify for your tier level discount.
By completing this race you will earn 30 points towards your loyalty level.